Pia Granjon

Click here to listen to the interview I did with
Peter Mabbutt,
London School of Clinical Communications and Hypnosis
and president of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
on a topic that is major to me
The importance of silences in therapy in general
and hypnotherapy in particular
Hypnotherapy is known as being a talking therapy.
But is it only ?
I am challenging this

Articles / Radio
___ Comment rendre de nouveau
confinement plus positif ?
January 2021
___ French Morning NYC - La Bande FM
Expatriation et Covid-19
Mai 2020
___ French Morning London - La Bande FM
Comment se préparer au déconfinement
Juin 2020
___ We need distancing fom ...
Article, published by the
British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
April 2020
___ French Morning New York
Expatriation, anxiété et Covid-19
Mars 2020
___ Meet the expat
Article published by AngloInfo
Octobre 2016

Written for the magazine
Força da mulher - 2018
Hypnosis is one of the oldest therapeutic approaches existing.
indeed, it began in the 18th century; though it’s Milton Erickson
who offered a revolutionary frame in the 1950s.
He considered that our unconscious mind holds inner resources
we can reach via the hypnotic state and he propels what is now
commonly called, equally outside hypnosis,
short client centred therapies.
Hypnotherapy can be misunderstood,
though there is nothing magical about hypnosis;
it is a collaborative work where the patient is active.
It uses a natural state of mind that everyone experiences
several times a day. Hypnosis is a state of high focus of attention
you experience when you are absorbed in one single activity.
It can be day-dreaming, it can be reading a book, watching a film,
driving your car on a road you take everyday . . .
When you are in that state, your brain reaches
a specific functioning that affects different of its areas.
You are then much less aware or sometimes not aware at all
of what is happening around you;
you might even not hear if someone is talking to you.
That specific state is triggered by the hypnotherapist
who will be choosing one technique among many making sure
it is adequate with your needs. In our jargon,
we call that a hypnotic trance which can be light, medium or deep.
The clinician will then work with the unconscious mind
of their patient, as this is the part of the mind which holds resources
that are restrained by conscious beliefs, fears, traumas, regrets . . .
the unconscious mind is a place where the individual
can travel in time and in space;
there is no limit, unlike the conscious mind.
Research tell us now that positive therapeutic outcomes are linked to
the flexibility of the therapist to use different approaches
to fit the need of one specific person
at a precise moment on their journey.
Hypnotherapy is the art of a delivery style enriched by acceptance
and flexibility
as well as a strong and healthy rapport built with the patient.
As it is a goal orientated therapy, the individual will decide
on their chosen therapeutic aim, with the help of the therapist
who will make sure it is realistic and safe to reach.
For example, if someone comes and asks to be helped
in losing 10 kg in one week, the clinician will explain how
this may damage their health.
Hypnotherapy helps manage symptoms linked with
beliefs, behaviours, memories whether they are conscious or unconscious.
Symptoms include weight management, general anxiety
(and all behaviours linked), performance anxiety
(sexual, public speaking, sport, acting, exams …),
depression, traumas, sleep disorders, mood swings,
difficult relationship, Irritable bowel syndrome, phobias, pain,
addiction, asthma …
A contact is made with doctors when adequate
and never will a medication prescription be changed.
The approaches and techniques are chosen and will vary
depending on the person’s emotional state,
locus of control and symptom management.
They could be cognitive and behavioural, psycho-analytical,
mindfulness-based, solution focused,
Regression (with the inner child), EMDR, direct suggestions,
part therapies, metaphors ….
The last one particularly well with children.
Hypnotherapy is a holistic flexible and adaptable approach to health.
“You are unique …. like everybody else”;
this seemingly contradictory statement gives an idea of
what a hypnotherapist will look into:
we all share physiological, neurological, psychological commonalities
and at the same time, each person has a specific functioning depending on their complex – and not complicated !
life experiences and memories linked to them.
As hypnotherapy is a non-regulated profession,
it might be best to check if a therapist belongs
to a professional body or talk with them
through their experience before engaging in a therapy.
It would ensure a strict ethos.
2018 – Força da mulher magazine
Pia Granjon Lecerf
Clinical hypnotherapist – PGDip -
member of the BSCH
AnxietyUK approved therapist

Written for Brighter Spaces - 2019
New Year’s resolutions are probably the most exciting promises people make to themselves which they share with others, however, they too often turn into the most frustrating promises!
I dare to guess that you have already chosen one or several resolutions amongst those stated below:
Losing weight / Going to the Gym
Making better financial choices
Quitting smoking
Spending more time with your family
Reducing/quitting social media & internet time
More “me-time”
I am not a fortune teller, I am a clinical hypnotherapist and the above simply are the most common new year resolutions according to researchers.
With hypnotherapy, you work with your conscious and unconscious resources from your brain, mind and body – the body keeps the unconscious emotional memories- considering facts, events and your related emotions.
What is Hypnosis?
“Hypnosis encompasses variables from domains as diverse as neuroscience, social psychology, individual psychology and genetics.” says Michael Yapko in “Trancework”.
Hypnosis is a natural functioning of the brain that everyone experiences several times a day. Once you have understood precisely what hypnosis is and you agree to engage in the therapy, then it can begin with you keeping full control during the whole process.
Why don’t we stick to our New Year’s resolutions even though we really want them to happen?
This is because reaching them is not a midnight gamble. They need to be integrated into our life time-line with clarity, simplicity and realism.
It is a process that requires time, attention and pleasure.
The hypnotherapist helps you define precisely what your resolutions.
The specificity of hypnosis is to work both with the conscious and unconscious mind, using specific mental methods.
During this progression, you rank your list of intentions – you may pick up only a few or just one – and work towards a S M A R T – E Rapproach:
* Specific: What exactly is it you want to achieve?
* Measurable: Define how you will know you have reached your goal: both facts and emotions are to be considered
* Achievable: What do you need to make this resolution achievable for you?
* Realistic & Relevant: Is your aim realistic with regards to your professional or personal environments?
Is it relevant to what YOU want?
* Time-bound: When do you want your resolution to be reached? Is it a short, medium or long-term goal?
* Evaluate: There is no straight line to success and perceiving your progress with objectivity is important. The necessity to pause and check you are going in the right direction.
Yes? Continue!
No? Readjust!
* Readjust: Recognise what needs to be amended and learn from what you have done previously. This is a highly effective way to achieve what you want and to become more effective in making future choices.
In this process, you dream and you go back to reality, you express your fears, your hopes, you see and feel your project(s) within a bigger picture and you consciously check your inner and outer resources.
Meanwhile the hypnotherapist, via their active presence and active listening, focuses on knowing the way you express yourself and what makes sense to you. They use that understanding to shape your highly individual hypnotherapy approach.
The ‘state of hypnotic trance’ works with the unconscious mind by-passing the conscious mind. It is a directed and chosen focus of the mind.
Under hypnosis, people are able to build and consolidate new mental states or behaviours and reach forgotten memories, so that it is possible to reinforce and maintain motivation, keep a positive mindset, increase assertiveness and boost self-confidence as well as reach and create inner resources.
You can address an non supportive inner voice, self-sabotage, blockages from the past, if needed, you can visualise yourself in the new wanted situation.
It can happen that you really want to realise your resolution but keep missing it without understanding why; hypnotherapy is a way to understand and negotiate a change with that part of you. Many different techniques are available for all this.
Under hypnosis, you can use past emotions, experience pseudo orientation in time and create a more supportive way to be, think and behave for your future.
You are taught self-help tools like self-hypnosis which is definitely one to be considered for keeping your motivation, focus and a positive mindset so you reach your aim more easily.
All this is a fluid process, you feel you are moving on with excitement, growing to discover yourself more precisely.
You got it, those New Year’s resolutions can be more than just a mid-party dare, that is your choice after all!
If this year you want to make it happen, if you choose to consider your New Year’s resolutions seriously or if you want to know more about hypnotherapy, contact me for a FREE phone consultation so you understand what your options are with hypnotherapy.